Important Lessons to Help Get You Through Life
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As we get older, we get a bit wiser and come across things we wish we knew sooner, things we wished we’d focused more on, or things we worried about that really weren’t as important as we thought they were.
Some things you really can’t understand until you’ve experienced it. But by then the life lessons learned might be a bit late. But for a lot of lessons, you just need to hear it, or better yet, actually want to hear it. To know that there is more out there, or other ways of doing things, or just in the hope of making things better.
We all want to be happy and for things to be as easy and as fuss-free as possible.
So here’s some important, inspirational life lessons you can learn to help get you through life.
Never stop dreaming
Make goals, think big. Reach for the stars. Nothing is impossible if you do whatever it takes to achieve it.
Try new experiences
Experiences are always more important than material things. Plan new adventures and experiences. Don’t just dream, make them happen.
Take a risk
Push yourself, get out of your comfort zone once in awhile. Nothing good ever happens if you don’t take a risk.
Material things are not important
It is easy to accumulate so much clutter throughout our lives. It can be draining and takes up space not only in our homes, but in our minds. Get rid of it and feel freer.
Don’t listen to criticism
By all means take it on board if it’s beneficial. If not, discard it from your mind and let it go. Most people’s negative comments come from their own insecurities.
Don’t listen to your own negative self-talk
We are often our own worst critics and believe the thoughts that crop into our minds. And the more you think them, the more likely to become reality. If you keep thinking you’re useless, you stop trying and give up. Try and focus on the positives.
Words are powerful
What you say can have a greater impact than you think. Choose your words wisely. They may be the negative words that someone continuously repeats to themselves for years. They can’t be taken back.
Never give up
You’ve only lost when you stop trying. Don’t look at failure like it’s a bad thing. Learn from it, grown and move on. Failure is evidence that you gave it a go. Often the only failure is in never trying.
Don’t be jealous of someone else’s life
You don’t really know what else is going on. You see a snapshot, a small piece of it. Struggles and hard times are often kept in the dark. And you only see what they want you to see.
Plans don’t always work
You may try to plan your life, but life doesn’t always follow your plan. There is bound to be curves and roller coasters and who knows what else. Just roll with it and enjoy the ride. Sometimes it’s not worth fighting it. You never know where your life will end up.
Don’t take anything for granted
You never know when life takes a turn for the worse. Make the most of what you have.
Don’t over-complicate things
It’s often the simple things that are the most important. Complications and obligations can be overwhelming, and can make life more difficult and stressful. A simpler life can bring you more happiness and joy.
Love yourself
If you don’t, how can you expect anyone else to?
Do things that make you happy
Never forget that you are important too. Take time out, do things that you enjoy, or chase that dream you’ve always had. Don’t focus on doing things because it’s what other people want or what they expect you to do. Focus on what you want and what makes you happy first. If you don’t, you will end up being resentful and unhappy, and lose a piece of who you are.
Be honest with yourself
Even if the truth is painful, it is better to deal with it than continually pushing it aside and it becomes a bigger problem. Don’t live in denial, be honest with yourself.
Perfection is unattainable
We often go about our life thinking that everything has to be perfect. But nothing in life ever is. Aiming for perfection will make you miserable. Everyone has their imperfections and they get by just fine. Our uniqueness and imperfections can make things more interesting. Embrace progress, not perfection.
You are stronger than you think
When your kids or someone else needs you, you can do anything. We often underestimate our abilities. You are stronger, wiser and more resilient than you think.
Have more fun in your life
Do you ever see how much fun kids have doing everyday things? Life is short. Enjoy it. Always look for the opportunity to create more fun in your life.
Find something you’re passionate about
Everyone should be passionate about something. Find something that brings you joy and makes your heart sing. If you haven’t found something you’re passionate about, make it a priority. It can have an uplifting effect on your life. Find that something that puts the sun in your life. Find what’s important to you.
Look after your health
We often take our health for granted. But our unhealthy habits can be doing irreparable damage.
Change is good
If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you are. Try something new.
Fight procrastination
Stop putting things off and just do it. It’ll feel so much better once it’s done, out the way and not taking up important space in your brain.
Your life is now
It is no good dwelling on things that happened in the past or things that might happen in the future. The past is gone and the future comes one day at a time. We often fall in to the trap of thinking one day we will be happy, if only… But life is now. Learn to love your life as it is.
Don’t worry about the things you can’t change
It creates stress and can take a huge toll on your health. So much of life is wasted on worry, regret, pain and heartache.
Fear isnt necessarily as bad as we think
Sometimes the things we are afraid of aren’t actually as bad as we thought. And a lot of the things we fear never actually happen. We often work ourselves up for nothing. Our fear is usually based on the worst thing that could happen. Sometimes we need to push ourselves out of our comfort zones and stop letting our fear control us. If we can do that, we can do anything.
Don’t sweat the little things
Sometimes we focus so much on the big things, the huge accomplishments we want to achieve that we forget about the little things. Moments with your kids, things that make you smile. They are important too. Focus on the things that really matter and let the other stuff go. If it won’t make a difference a year from now, it’s not worth dwelling on it.
Family is important
The people in your life are the most important. They should come before everything. Before work, hobbies, fun and anything. Family is everything.
Friendships need looking after
Many of us get busy in our everyday lives and over the years let our friendships fade away. Before you know it, years have passed and you remember back to a time when you were together that was so long ago. Friendships need time and attention.
Let go of toxic people
There may be people in your life that bring you down, make you feel bad about yourself or are just not pleasant to be around. If you don’t enjoy their company or feel good being around them, let them go. You don’t need toxic people in your life. Surround yourself with people who lift you up not tear you down
Let go of anger
It isn’t worth it. It may feel good to have that release, but the repercussions can last a long time. Try to learn healthier ways to express your feelings.
Kindness is important
It doesn’t take much to be kind. Often in our fast paced world, kindness often takes a back seat with everyone in a hurry. Small acts of kindness can make a huge difference.
Don’t hold on to grudges
Holding on to grudges is doing damage to you every day. It may be hard but you have to remember that it is only hurting you more. Forgive and let it go.
You can’t control other people
It’s so easy to think that you know best and other people should do things your way and want them to live the way you do. But everyone has their own minds and their own way of doing things. Just because it’s not the way you do it, doesn’t make it wrong.
We Aren’t Always Right
We know how we think and feel, but we only see things from our own perspectives. Sometimes we need to take a step back and try to see it from other perspectives too.
Express gratitude
Being grateful for what you have, rather than dwelling on what you don’t gives you positivity and more happiness.
Pay attention to the little things
We often pay a lot of attention to the big things, the huge events that happen in our lives. But don’t dismiss the little things. Time with our kids, enjoying a gentle, summer breeze, a time you laughed so hard you couldn’t stop. The little things matter too.
Never stop learning
The word is full of interesting things. Dont be afraid to learn something new, gain a new skill or do the thing that you’ve always wanted to do. Find something you’re interested in. Take a class, learn some new skills, read up on some new subjects. The possibilities are endless.
There are no shortcuts
If you want something in life you have to work for it. There are no easy ways out.
Reduce Clutter
Its easy to accumulate so much stuff over the years. Stuff gathers dust and how much of it do you actually need? The less stuff you have, the freer you are. Simplify and declutter. You will feel better for it.
Better late than never
Don’t ever think you’re too old to try something new, or the chance has passed you by and it’s too late. Give it a go. You may surprise yourself.
Action is better than doing nothing
When procrastination, anxiety, frustration or anything has you down, the best thing for it is action. Do something about it, seek help or figure out a way to not let it affect your life. Put yourself back in control.
Find reasons each day to smile
– and never forget anything that made you smile.
Bad times will pass
When we have things that are worrying us, or we are going through a painful time in our lives, it can be easy to think it will be like it forever. It’s hard to see a time when things better, or to see how you can ever get through it. But it will pass. Time goes on and things change. It won’t always be like it.
Live each day the best you can
No one knows how much time they have left. It’s better to live each day as best and as fulfilling as possible. One day it will be the last. Don’t be left with regrets. Make each day count.
Life is what you make it
You need to decide what makes life worth living,what makes you happy and fills your life with joy. Work out what you want to get out of life and do what you have to do to get it.
And most importantly, enjoy life
Make the most of every moment. Don’t waste precious heartbeats on things that make you miserable. Find whatever it is that fills you with joy and that has you waking with a smile on your face, and has you ready to embrace the day and whatever it has to offer.
The little lessons we pick up a long the way can make a huge difference to our outlook on life, and the enjoyment we get from it.
What important life lessons have you learned?
January 14, 2019 @ 4:14 pm
Really great lessons you pointed out, a lot of which are lessons that we should always remember.
Keep up the good work!
January 15, 2019 @ 4:55 pm
Beautiful life lessons! Pinned! xoxo
January 15, 2019 @ 7:45 pm
I think you covered just about everything in this post. I can say I’ve learned spending time with family and friends is necessary, because tomorrow is never promised. This post is so uplifting… Thank you!
January 16, 2019 @ 9:45 am
I love the advice to live in the now (without overly worrying about yesterday or tomorrow). I am finally at the point in life where we appreciate every day that we are blessed with even as we strive with all our being to change our lives for the better. We realize that you can’t wish days away—even unpleasant ones—because when you do, there are some good things that pass when they leave (like loved ones, a tight body, and your kids growing up). Therefore you must find that balance in order to live a healthy life.
January 16, 2019 @ 3:07 pm
Such a positive post. This was so motivating really. Thanks for sharing.
January 16, 2019 @ 4:06 pm
I needed this today! Thank you!!!
January 17, 2019 @ 10:16 am
I really love those! “Don’t listen to your own negative self-talk” is one that I focused on a lot last year. And practicing gratitude. And acknowledging that perfection doesn’t exist. And recognising the importance of family. These simple shifts in mindset really made so much happier!
January 17, 2019 @ 11:36 am
Wow! Really great motivational and inspirational post. I loved reading this and all the lessons you mentioned I completely agree with. I am doing my best to be positive and make the most out of this life and Thank You for sharing. Much love and appreciation 🙂
January 19, 2019 @ 1:27 pm
These are important reminders for all of us. Thanks for sharing.
January 20, 2019 @ 9:05 am
This is really great. The advice around self care and kindness particularly resonated but it’s all good.
January 20, 2019 @ 10:55 am
Some brilliant life advice tips in this article, and the beach also looks amazing too. Thank you. 🙂
January 20, 2019 @ 1:46 pm
This is a great thorough list that we all need to read and remember. As I mature, the main thing that I try to live by is to not let negative comments get to me. This has taken me a while, but realizing why people say the things that they say is helpful, And realizing that it really has nothing to do with me. These are great things to live by!
January 20, 2019 @ 3:49 pm
This list was just what I needed today.
It made me pause and reflect.
Thanks for sharing!
January 23, 2019 @ 7:15 pm
Such a great list and a perfect read for beginning a new year. It’s so important to make every effort to live the best life possible. I don’t want to look back with regret.
January 24, 2019 @ 7:40 am
What a lovely list – I will be saving this to refer to later. I love this a lot! 🙂
Thanks for the inspiration!
January 24, 2019 @ 7:45 am
Great lessons! Trusting in oneself and taking chances also helps to get one out of the comfort zone.
January 24, 2019 @ 8:21 am
Thanks for sharing with us.
have a good day
February 2, 2019 @ 3:21 pm
These are some good tips you have shared. Loved it. ?
February 6, 2019 @ 12:07 pm
Wow! This is quite a lot of really good advice! Trying to live your best life can be tricky, so we appreciate all the help and positive advice we can get.