Inspirational Quotes for Struggling Mums
Being a mum is hard. It can be draining and there are times when it feels like we just can’t seem to get anything right. Or the days when we can’t even see the point anymore. We do the best we can, even when it feels like everything is falling apart. We all need some […]

How to Clear the Clutter and Clear Your Mind
Our lives are often hectic and chaotic and we feel overwhelmed. When you come home from a busy day, you just need a good rest. But when you have so many things taking up space all around you, your mind can’t stop. So what can you do? You need to clear the clutter and clear […]

The Benefits of Positive Thinking
I wish I had known the benefits of positive thinking a long time ago, or even known that there was such a thing. I’d always thought that whatever went through your mind had to be the truth and there wasn’t much you could do to change it.. So growing up, I wasn’t a very positive […]

Important Lessons to Help Get You Through Life
As we get older, we get a bit wiser and come across things we wish we knew sooner, things we wished we’d focused more on, or things we worried about that really weren’t as important as we thought they were. Some things you really can’t understand until you’ve experienced it. But by then the life […]

How to Teach Your Child the Value of Money
It can be a worrying thought for many parents that their children might grow up not knowing how to save money, or how to budget, and end up living week to week, pay check to pay check and constantly worrying how they will manage to pay bills or afford anything. It’s definitely scary with so […]

Things I Learned After Having a Second Baby
A lot of thoughts go through your mind when you think about having a second baby. It can seem quite scary at first. If your first child was difficult or was a terrible sleeper, you wonder how you could possibly cope if your second is the same. And if your first seemed so easy and […]

Things I Want My Daughter to Know
When my daughter was born, a multitude of thoughts went through my head. What kind of person would she be? What things would she like to do? Who was she going to be? In her first year, I got little glimpses of her personality. Especially the cheekiness and the stubbornness. As I watched her grow, […]

Self Care for Busy Mums
Being a mum is a hard job. At the end of the day we find ourselves exhausted, worn out and drained beyond belief. We often put ourselves last and have little time for ourselves. It’s so easy to lose yourself in the day to day routine of family life. I know I’m guilty of often […]

If I Could Turn Back Time – Letter to My 15 Year Old Self
If I could turn back time and send a letter to my 15 year old self, there is so much I would love to say. There are things I could have done differently, things I would have worried less about, things I would have enjoyed more. And I could have understood more about myself that […]

Why Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone
How to get out of your comfort zone Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. But getting out of your comfort zone isn’t easy. It’s that place where everything is easy, there are little to no surprises, and everything is usually… well comfortable. It’s familiar, it’s routine, and it’s safe. But life begins […]