Removing Toxicity From Your Life
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We all know that anything toxic isn’t good for us but often we don’t realise the toxicity that can be around us all the time and the kind of damage it is doing to us every day.
How you can remove toxicity from your life
Many of us have to deal with stress from time to time, and a little bit is okay. But when dealing with it on a daily basis, it can have a very detrimental effect on our lives. It can effect our health, our well being and takes the enjoyment out of every day living.
Being jealous of what other people have or what they do with their lives is normal. But when it happens a lot you begin to become increasingly negative about the things going on in your life. You make your choices. You can decide if you are happy or upset. Learn to be happy for others when good things happen for them. If you find yourself envious of others, try to think about the good things that are happening in your life. You will probably find it is better than you thought.
Negative People
Toxic friends can negatively impact many aspects of your life. Your self confidence can take a huge dive, it can cause you extra anxiety, you can begin to question everything you do, and it can affect your relationships with other people. Removing toxic people from your life can be difficult, but can make a difference to your life.
Negative thoughts
It’s something many of us do without consciously thinking about. We also probably don’t think about the harm in it. But negative thoughts are powerful and the more we think them, the more we start to believe them. Don’t underestimate the power of positivity. Just as negative thoughts are toxic, positive thoughts can influence your well being and make you feel more optimistic.
If you don’t like who you are, how can you be happy? How can you go after the things that give your life meaning and fulfilment when in your heart you don’t feel like you deserve it? Get rid of these thoughts. All they are doing is encouraging more toxic thoughts and surrounding you with negativity. You are worth more than that.You can do just about anything you put your mind to. Start with little things to make you feel good about yourself if you find it difficult, or get help if you need it. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you aren’t good enough. You are worth more than you think. The more you tell yourself that, the more you will believe it.
Many of us complain so often that we don’t even realise. It becomes a habit that can be hard to break. It is a toxic energy that you keep carrying around and can put a dampener on your whole day. Try and focus more on the things that are going well. Focusing on the positives helps to encourage more positivity in your life, and helps kick negative and toxic energy to the curb. A change to your mindset can make a huge difference.
Excess clutter is things you don’t need. It takes up extra space not just in your home, but in your mind. It can be so draining and can make you feel like you are drowning in stuff. Get rid of things you don’t need. We often keep things for the wrong reasons and it can feel very cleansing to clear things out every so often.
Overdoing things
Life can be busy and hectic at times and when there is so much going on it can be harder to enjoy life. We start to resent things for taking up so much time, or because it’s another thing we have to worry about and fit into a busy schedule. Cut back on things from time to time and don’t take on more than you can handle. Overdoing things causes excess stress and is no good for your health. Take time out every now and then.
Unsatisfying career
So many people are unhappy with their jobs, which is unfortunate because it’s generally something that you would spend a great chunk of your life doing. If it’s possible, maybe it’s time to think about a career change and doing something you enjoy. Waking up every morning and doing something you hate is incredibly toxic and can be a huge drain on your health and happiness. I know, I did it for over ten years. I felt stuck at a job I hated and felt like there was no way out, and finally leaving was one of the best things I have ever done.
It isn’t a way to live. I get when it comes to work sometimes you have to take what you can get. But if you can find a career that excites you, and puts a smile on your face you will be less stressed and much happier. Don’t spend the majority of your time being miserable.
Staying in your comfort zone
Comfort zones are a good thing, it’s where we feel comfortable and safe. But it’s not good to stay in it all the time. When you stay in your comfort zone, nothing changes. Life stays still becomes mundane. Don’t be afraid of changes. Change can be a good thing. Try something new and keep life interesting.
Letting regrets take over
You can’t change things that happened in the past. We often think about things that have happened and wish we had done things differently. And while it’s okay to wonder about it from time to time, hanging on to those regrets is only increasing your unhappiness with your life and the thought that things would have been better if you had done things differently. You will never know how things might have been. Don’t dwell on the things you can’t change. Enjoy the path your life has taken to get you to where you are today, and where your choices will take you in the future.
Don’t feel guilty for doing what you need to, to remove toxicity from your life. You will be happier and more positive. Toxic things will keep breaking you down and will create negativity around you. The sooner you remove them, the better you will feel.
Have you removed toxic things from your life? How did it make you feel?
January 15, 2020 @ 8:37 pm
It is truly amazing how much clutter can affect your mood/stress level, but it really does! I find that when I am surrounded by too many things I feel unsettled and less relaxed. Thank you for sharing this. ♥️
January 16, 2020 @ 6:15 pm
There are a lot of little things that can affect our lives in a negative way and sometimes it can feel completely overwhelming. You have broken these elements down to such things that we can control and made it clear to see which areas to tackle the toxicity. Thanks so much for sharing such a vital post. I know this will help me and many others improve their lives xx
January 17, 2020 @ 1:04 am
This post is so good! all of these things make so much sense but it can be so hard to change them at the time. Getting rid of objects that reminding me of a difficult past was the hardest thing to do. the emotional attachment was so strong that they became an anchor to the past. Now we de-cluttered into a campervan, and concentrated on a more natural way of life in nature, we feel so much better and have more energy. Hard to do but worth it. Thank you for reminding me to get rid of un-necessessary emotional crap!
January 18, 2020 @ 1:30 am
I love to dispose toxic people from my life. There is nothing compare to the feeling when you don’t have to worry about them anymore.
January 18, 2020 @ 1:36 am
So many of these are works in progress in my life right now. Thank you for such a great piece. Seeing it in writing like this makes it all so much clearer to me. 🙂
January 18, 2020 @ 1:37 am
Thank you for such a great piece. There are so many of these that are works in progress in my own life right now. Seeing it in writing makes it so much clearer.
January 18, 2020 @ 3:05 am
I love this and try to practice a little bit of it every day. For the new year, I purged of my belongings, selling goods I don’t need anymore, basically Marie Kondo’ed my life to start fresh. I practice letting go of negative vibes during my yoga practice in the mornings. It’s a great feeling. Thanks for sharing this!
January 19, 2020 @ 12:55 am
These are all great thoughts. I am always amazed at how much clutter affects my mood. Since minimizing I have improved drastically!
January 19, 2020 @ 1:43 pm
Stopping the complaining is a good point. Seems like the more you complain, the more life gives you things to complain about.
January 19, 2020 @ 8:51 pm
So many great tips! I am in the process of getting rid of excess stress through better management.
January 20, 2020 @ 5:25 am
Such a great post. Seeing the breakdown makes it easier to pick somewhere to start and go from there. Thanks xxx
January 22, 2020 @ 8:33 pm
I lost my husband last year and the gift that it gave me was really showing me what counts. I have three children and my own grief to deal with so if I’m going to spend my time and mental energy on someone then it really has to be worth it!
I try to remind me of tips like this every day and surrounding myself with people who are truly supportive.
January 23, 2020 @ 7:08 pm
I have managed to remove most toxic people from my life and it feels so good, only ones left are family which is a bit more of a challenge. These are all such great points. Nice post!
January 29, 2020 @ 8:44 pm
When I saw this I just knew that I had to read it. I seem to have a lot of toxic people in my life lately so I’ve been trying to remove them. I noticed that when I am dealing with toxic people that sometimes causes me to have toxic or negative thoughts.